We build the future in the present...

The amount of new stores that are opened in different commercial formats, the new tools and technologies, in addition to the growth and evolution of Retail require that there be continuous training of managers, executives and employees of the present and the future, which stimulate growth, development. and evolution of your business. 

We contribute to the preparation and updating of knowledge, the development of experiences and skills that enhance the performance of those who collaborate, both within a commercial organization and in its operating ecosystem.


We create the future of commerce... 

 Organizations, their collaborators and their business partners are evolving their operations from transactional to transcendental; acting in an agile, effective and proactive manner in competitive, complex, uncertain and volatile environments.

+ Information

We design the future of retail and its ecosystem. As we have done before...

Collaboration and execution

Alignment between strategy, operation and execution. Among the great areas of opportunity in Retail is having competence, consistency and forcefulness when developing each of its activities. We have a program for retail companies and their suppliers to accompany and develop their collaborators.


New models

It is necessary to talk about new ways of doing Retail. The operating models that exist in Retail demand new formulas to humanize their operations, promote healthy well-being and empower the consumer. We have programs to help develop and design new versions for both Retail and its commercial partners that allow them to prepare for the future.

Academic programs

Update, development and professional training programs. The new tools and technologies available allow you to enable new capabilities and increase the potential of your collaborators and business partners. We have open academic and professional training programs that allow those who collaborate directly and indirectly in Retail to develop their skills individually.​

Help us empower, protect and preserve the business ecosystem for future generations.

Join us and make the business ecosystem an amazing place.